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UserService.GetUserByName returns logged in user


Using Gemini 3.5.4.

I'm trying to find a user that's in the system so that I can get a UserID.  I know his/her username.  According to the documentation, the method GetUserByName(string name) will return the user object that corresponds to the user with that username.

When I call it, it does not matter what string I use as an argument--whether it's a valid user, a random string, or string.Empty, it returns the user that's running the script (currently the specified logged in user).  Essentially, if I were to run the following code:

us = servicemanager.UserService;
UserEN me = us.WhoAmI();
UserEN other = us.GetUserByName([valid user name in a string]);
Random random = new Random();
while(me == other)
    other = us.GetUserByName(random.Next().ToString());
Console.Writeline("It's over!"):

that loop would never terminate.

· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

Are you using windows authentication?
This was a bug in 3.5.4 (when using win auth) that was fixed in 3.6:

The workaround is to get all users.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing