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Customizing email notification templates



I am attempting to customize the email notifications. I have found both template directories you mentioned in another post, but it seems I do not have the level of control I was expecting on the Scheduler Service.

What I would like to do is change the order the templates are applied to specific events. For example, the COMMENT sequence seems to be:

CommonHeader.en-GB IssueLink.en-GB IssueDetail.en-GB IssueDescription.en-GB IssueComment.en-GB CommonFooter.en-GB

Is there any way to modify this order?

Also, there does not seen to be a template for the Watcher notification in either MailPlugin or the Scheduler. Can this be added?



Edit: The version of Scheduler we're using is 3.7.2 build 2784.

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Replies (7)
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The only way to change the order is by swapping the contents / file names.

There is no way of customizing the watcher added alert. Feel free to add it to our list: http://gemini.countersoft.com

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful


I've been experimenting with adding logos, text, etc. to the CommonHeader.en-GB file, and it seems that adding anything besides text causes the parsing of the html/asp to fail, resulting in an entirely blank email being sent out. I can add the same code to the other files ("IssueComment.en-GB", "IssueLink.en-GB", etc) without a problem.

I think I can work around this if I have a definitive list of how each of the templates are used for various events. Something like:

New Comment: CommonHeader.en-GB + IssueLink.en-GB + IssueDetail.en-GB + IssueDescription.en-GB + IssueComment.en-GB + CommonFooter.en-GB

Issue Created: CommonHeader.en-GB + IssueLink.en-GB + IssueDetail.en-GB + IssueDescription.en-GB + CommonFooter.en-GB


That way I can add text/images to each file and be sure that it won't be used incorrectly.



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The order is:

  1. Common Header
  2. Issue Link
  3. Issue Detail
  4. Change Log
  5. Description
  6. Comment
  7. Common Footer
This is for any alert.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

Thank you for the prompt response!

It seems that there are some pretty strict requirements on the files. Some rules that seem to be in place:

Every file must contain one table with only 'tr' and 'td' tags.
Images and text are ok, but no embedded tables, div's, etc.

Are there any other rules for content I need to be aware of?



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You should be able to put any HTML in there, trs, divs etc...
What errors do you get?

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

David and I are working together to customize these templates. If we add an <hr> tag to the end of a template, if we put <table><tr><td> in one template file and </td></tr></table> in another, and if we remove the contents of one template without replacing the contents with something (we've been using &nbsp;) -- in all these instances the engine fails with a substring exception visible in the logs and a blank email is sent.

We've gotten the markup we want by combining the separate templates' contents into one template and replacing the remaining templates' contents with &nbsp;. We now want to conditionally include the latest comment based on whether the notification is of an added comment or some other change.

What are the fields of the Data object (the instance of EmailAlertTemplateArguments)?

Thanks again for your prompt responses :)

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The data object has the folliwng fields:

  • string GeminiVersion;
  • string GeminiURL;
  • string IssueID;
  • string ProjectID;
  • string UserID;
  • string EmailAddress;
  • IssueEN Issue;
  • IssueEN PreviousIssue;
  • IssueCommentEN LastComment;
  • ArrayList ChangeLog;
You might be able to check the length of the comments array in the current issue and previous one:
Issue.IssueComments.Length and PreviousIssue.IssueComments.Length

Note that the scheduler's source code is available for commercial license holders.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen