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Accessing the LoginName/Email of the reporting user name from the .vm files


In my Common-Footer.vm file I'm trying to put an "Unsubscribe" link to the receiving user, and the link should include some "hard" identification of the user in gemini - e.g. LoginName/Email - when using $issue.ReportedByUserName it gives me only the First/Last name. Is there an option to retrieve this info directly or through some kind of $Helper function?

Where can I find documentation about all the $issue / $project system variables?



· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

Unfortunately, that is not possible at the moment with the mail plugin. You can get the user that has caused the alert ($user.EmailAddress) but that's not what you are after as far as I iunderstand.

If you hold a commercial license and use the scheduler service for sending alerts then you can donwload the source for that and amend it to do this.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing