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Custom Field of Type 'User'


Hi everyone,

Is there a way to create a custom field of type user (similiar to the system field - 'Assigned Resource')? We would like for it to display all users assigned to a global or project group. Is this possible out of the box? Thanks.

· 1
Replies (2)
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This is coming in 4.0!

You will have to create a view for this and bind the field to it. The problem is the project group as this is per project. So you will have to enumrate the user for global groups for all projects (cross join):

SELECT distinct userid, fullname, projectid FROM (
    SELECT u.userid, firstname + ' ' + surname as fullname, p.projectid FROM geminiprojects p, geminiusers u
    LEFT JOIN geminiglobalgroupmembership g ON g.userid = u.userid
    WHERE u.active = 1 AND g.globalgroupid IN(1)
    SELECT u.userid, firstname + ' ' + surname as fullname, p.projectid FROM gemini
users u
    LEFT JOIN gemini_projectgroupmembership p ON p.userid = u.userid
    WHERE u.active = 1 AND p.projectgroupid IN(8)
) users
ORDER BY fullname

Make sure you mark the custom field to filter by project id

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Oh great to know ... So it appears that I can specify a view in place of a table? I will test this out. Thanks Mark.

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