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Project groups have no roles by default


I want to give users permission to create issues for and manage certain projects but not all of them. I understand that the "project groups" feature is designed with this in mind. However, assigning a user to a project group does not change the user's permissions in any way. This is because the Security Schemes installed by default have nothing listed in the "Project Groups" column. In other words, the Project Groups column is completely blank. I will have to go through the security scheme and manually add the appropriate roles to each project group. Why is this? Shouldn't the default project groups have some default roles assigned to them?

Trevor Harmon
· 1
Trevor Harmon
Replies (3)
not helpful

This is just a sample database, feel free to amend the scheme for your needs.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Yes, I understand it's a sample database, but that wasn't my question. My question is, why do project groups in the sample database have no roles? They're useless otherwise. The project groups should have some default roles, just like the global groups do.

Trevor Harmon
· 1
Trevor Harmon
not helpful

Got you, we will update it the sample database for the next release.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing