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Custom Fields Filtering


Hello! I found many strange issues with issue filtering and hope you can explain me what is wrong.

I have for example 3 fields. First one is "Sprint" - text, second "Team" and third "TimeType" - listboxes.

First issue I have encountered is, that it is not possible to filter by several custom fields at the same time, which is critical for me :(

  1. I select Project, then Issues and then click on "Custom Fields" and select value "xyz" from a listbox of field "Team". It shows with the small font "Team: xyz". But then I click again on "Custom Fields" link and see xyz selected and want also to select "Bugfixing" as TimeType value of the second listbox. After I do this I still see only "Team: xyz" under the "Custom fields" link. I click on "View" button and it shows me no issue, but there are such issues of team xyz and timetype "Bugfixing" when I see issues without filtering! Well, I deselect "Team" and now it starts showing the TimeType: bugfixing. But I need both together!

  2. I enter the value "16" into the spint text-box of the filter and selected nothing for other custom fields. It shows me "Sprint: 16" under the custom fields box. And then I click on "View" button and it changes to "undefined: 16". But filtering was correct. When I change then 16 to 15, it still writes "undefined".

Only after I selected another project it starts again writing "Sprint:" instead of "undefined". For that project. Then I return back to my project, it is still "Sprint" but after clicking "View" it thinks a long time and then shows me correct filtered issues but still with "undefined".

  1. I've selected Team: xyz and then after got correct filtered issues clicked on "Excel". I see there only the custom field "Team" filled with the values. The two other custom fields Sprint and TimeType are completly empty, however on a web-page the values were shown.

The issues 1) and 3) are very critical for me as I need to filter by multiple custom fields and I also need the Excel export to calucale there sum of the custom field values of the current filtered view.

Thanks Anton

· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

Hi Anton,

  1. Yes, at the moment it is only possible to filter by 1 custom field only. However, in 4.0 the restriction has been removed:
  2. This is a bug that has been fixed as part of the multi searching in 4.0.
  3. This is a bug that has been fixed in 4.0:
4.0 is due out in the next couple of months.

The roadmap can be found here:

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing