Gemini Community Support Site

This Gemini community support site can be used to find solutions to product issues. You can log in using Open Id, Google Profile and even Facebook. Feel free to ask a question or browse FAQs and documentation. Product tour videos are also available along with how-to videos demonstrating key Gemini capabilities.

Help depending on the Project



As I use Gemini for several customers, I need each of them to have its own help (with friendly names and statuses/types/priorities etc descriptions exactly for that dedicated project).

This help I want to make reachable from the "Help" link replacing the old PDF docu about Gemini customization out-of-the-box with the DYNAMIC link to the "Documents" section of the CURRENT project which is browsed by the user at the moment he clicks on the global "Help" link.

But how can I make so, that this link will reference to the different project documents depending on the user who logged in or the project which is actual at the moment? It there any tricky way to write URL with GET parameters those way that it will link to the "Documents" section of the current (selected at the moment) project? I need this exactly dynamic, static I can do of course, but I need current PROJID for this!

Thanks Anton

· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

Open the Controls\HeaderBar.ascx file.
Replace the line:
<gem:GeminiSimpleLink ID="lnkHelp" runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/Gemini.pdf" Key="Help"
                            CssClass="navlink" Target="blank"></gem:GeminiSimpleLink>
<a class='navlink' href='<%= FullGeminiUrl %>/Project/Project.aspx?PROJID=<%= ProjectID %>&Tab=Documents'>Help</a>
                        <!--<gem:GeminiSimpleLink ID="lnkHelp" runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/Gemini.pdf" Key="Help"
                            CssClass="navlink" Target="

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing