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Edit of the Log Time Record


Is it possible to edit the logged time (Issue detailed view - Time Tab).

I can add here a new record or delete the existing one, but can edit nothing, or?

Would be nice to have it. Inline as well ;) Have I undestood right, that now it is not possible and will be done in version 4.5 (GEM-3618)?

Also how can I allow Gemini to log time in days? I can show Days field on a issue list view, but it is always empty, even if I set time in hours > 8. Is it possible to show days on a log time page, as the corresponding field for this is already inside anyway?

What is about implementing GEM-3925?

Thanks Anton

· 1
Replies (1)
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Yes, 4.5 is the version for edit time.
You can't log time in days in Gemini.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing