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Custom Fields needed


I would like to create two custom fields One QA and one Developer. I want this to contain the same data from the DB as assigned to (resources) has for it's dropdown selection values.

I can't figure out how to do this. I got all 4 tables hooked together but I can't for the life of me find where the "Assignable To Issues" is being stored for the schema for the particular roles.

Could you please post the query that is being used for the Assign To field in the issue edit screen.

Thanks, Angela Law

· 1
Replies (2)
not helpful

This should work (change project id):

SELECT usr.firstname + ' ' + usr.surname  FROM geminiusers usr JOIN (
    CASE WHEN gm.userid IS NOT NULL THEN gm.userid
        CASE WHEN pm.userid IS NOT NULL THEN pm.userid
    END AS userid
FROM gemini
projects p JOIN geminiglobalsecurityschemeroles s ON p.globalschemeid = s.schemeid AND s.schemerole=14
LEFT JOIN gemini
globalgroupmembership gm on s.membertype = 2 AND s.memberid = gm.globalgroupid
LEFT JOIN geminiprojectgroupmembership pm on s.membertype = 3 AND s.memberid = pm.projectgroupid
LEFT JOIN gemini
users u on s.membertype = 1 AND s.memberid = u.userid
WHERE p.projectid = 19
) assignables ON usr.userid = assignables.userid

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Great thanks that worked :)

· 1