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Issue Status un-changeable?


Hi, I have created a Global Group and assigned a user to this group. I then assigned the group permission to Edit Issues. On my Issue Workflow I have given permission to move from Status A to Status B to this group. However, it appears like I cannot change the status at all when logged in as this user from Status A to Status B. Any ideas?

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Replies (4)
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Is the status box shown when editing the issue? If not, please make sure the issue type visibility scheme allows the user to view it in edit mode.

If it is not enabled then make sure that the user has the "update issue progress" permission.

Saar Cohen
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Saar Cohen
not helpful

Thanks. Looks like it was the "update issue progress" flag. I thought that pertained to the percent complete slider and not the "status". Might want to clarify that in future releases...

Thanks for the help!

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not helpful

I am having exactly the same problem as matrix4123 has. I cannot edit a Status setting either "quick switch" from the items list or by editing an item. The Status drop down is disabled.

Like matrix4123 I too thought the flag "update issue progress" was the percent slider and did not want to use it.

Now that the flag is set - My problem persists :-/ I am member of the global group allowed to edit the issue progress (status) I still cannot edit the status?

Regards Thomas Meijer

··· Wrote a mail to the supporters... Thank you for really fast responsVibaekTuesday, June 21, 2011, 1:58:04 PM
··· Wrote a mail to the supporters... Thank you for really fast responsVibaekTuesday, June 21, 2011, 1:58:04 PM

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not helpful

Got a fast respond from supporters @ Countersoft. Solution was an edit of each Status type in Items > Workflow > xxxxxx workflow

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