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maximum 500 hours for work estimate


When creating an issue, there is a maximum "work estimate" of 500 hours and 59 minutes.

- why is there a maximum of 500 hours?
- is there a way of switching the time entry from hours to days (f.e.)?
- in the entry-mask it says "[1 day = 7 hours 30 minutes]", but I cannot find any mentioning of "work estimate in days"... what is the meaning of this? And is there a way of changing the number of hours per work day?
- is there a way of increasing the maximum number of hours per issue?



· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

Unfortunately, you can't enter time in days. The mask is for info only so your users will know what is a days work in your setup.

You can remove / increase the time entry but will need to change an ascx file.
Please send an email to support at countersoft dot com.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing