Gemini Community Support Site

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Active Directory, user account provisioning, user password changes


Are there any plans to intgegrate with Active Directory such that users can be provisioned from AD into an OU and/or such that a user can change their AD password from the profile page?

Thank you

· 1
Replies (3)
not helpful

We are planning AD integration but it will be one way only. Gemini will be updated from AD but not update AD. So to change your password you will have to use the normal windows way...

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

We use gemini with a lot of external clients none of whom have access to our domain. We are interested in using AD because they also use other resources which are authenticated using AD.

I suspect that you will have a number of clients who are in the same position, and who may want external users to be able to manage their passwords using Gemini.

· 1
not helpful

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing