Gemini Community Support Site

This Gemini community support site can be used to find solutions to product issues. You can log in using Open Id, Google Profile and even Facebook. Feel free to ask a question or browse FAQs and documentation. Product tour videos are also available along with how-to videos demonstrating key Gemini capabilities.

Problem creating new sample database


I am using SQL server 2005 Express edition.

Here is the dump from the installer:

<SQLError Package="CounterSoftGeminiSampleDatabase"><Error>The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "geminiaffectedversionsversionidfk". The conflict occurred in database "Gemini3RC1", table "dbo.geminiversions", column 'versionid'.</Error><Assembly>CounterSoftGeminiSampleDatabase</Assembly><Package>Package2.resx</Package><Batch>Batch4</Batch><SQL>-- Pointer used for text / image updates. This might not be needed, but is declared here just in case
DECLARE @pv binary(16)

SET IDENTITYINSERT [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ON
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (1, N'OrganisationName', N'Licensing', N'My Company', N'The name of the company')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (2, N'RegistrationCode', N'Licensing', N'83B9-EC79-9095-6394-E716-FC1F-77F2-6312-61E2-E25E-2090-A56E-E96B-33AB-B559-0E58-F3A4-5998-2316-54DE-B708-7FA1-2E3C-6E5A-0222-EFE0-62CA-EB7B-3C43-F3E7-ECDD-D533-1942-BC64-5B91-9D1F-E1B3-3162-3E06-E3D5-E67F-A797-6D3F-A2C1-24FD-389F-9734-289D-17CF-950B-D508-D50C-AE40-6EE3-2D81-6DB3-32A3-EF5F-0D14-BC48-9389-EEE3-7E30-0F9E-0BBA-E6D2-3089-7234-3A90-B5F7-4BE2-5BD1-CD57-648A-439D-8E80-17CE-BEBE-F0EF-F5F6-FC7D-A91A-0B3E-6AC4', N'The license key')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (3, N'AlwaysUseFullGeminiURL', N'General', N'NO', N'Set this to NO if do not want the full gemini url to be enforced')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (4, N'FullGeminiURL', N'General', N'http://localhost/gemini/', N'The url to the gemini installation (requires the trailing ''/'')')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (5, N'GeminiAdmins', N'General', N'', N'The email address of the gemini admin')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (6, N'WelcomeTitle', N'General', N'Welcome', N'The welcome title, which will be displayed in the main page')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (7, N'WelcomeMessage', N'General', N'A fully-featured installation of Gemini for evaluation purposes.&lt;br /&gt;
&lt;span color="#000000" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
&lt;strong&gt;&lt;span size="4" style="font-size: 14pt;"&gt;This is Gemini 3.0 Beta 1.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
Improvements in 3.0:&lt;br /&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;Help Desk / Portal Mode -- allows certain users to see just their own issues (good for giving access to clients!)&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;Issue Workflow -- customise workflow per project and determine who change set which issue state (e.g. only "Testers" can "Close" issues). &lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;Issue Type &amp;amp; Priority schemes -- define what issue types and priorities apply to which projects.&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;User groups -- define groups, assign members&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;Global custom fields -- define once, use where ever!&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;Sub-Issues! &lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;Improved Security Schemes -- define roles for users and groups, apply schemes to projects&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;Improved UI experience -- more pop-ups to avoid page hopping and controlled AJAX experience&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;Reporting -- out of the box reporting engine with basic reports&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;New UI themes, existing themes improved&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;General speed improvements -- database and UI&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;Revamped Document Management module&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;RSS per project&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;...more. &lt;/li&gt;
Also note the following companion products being launched as part of Gemini 3.0 release:&lt;br /&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;Gemini TimeTracker -- log time against your issues straight from your desktop (floating toolbar)&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;Gemini Desktop -- revamped application utilising Office 2007 look-and-feel.&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;Gemini Visual Studio IDE Add-in -- manage issues from within Microsoft Visual Studio 2005/2008&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;..and some additional integration products!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;span size="4" color="#330099" style="color: rgb(51, 0, 153); font-size: 14pt;"&gt;&lt;span color="#000000" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"&gt;All feedback&lt;span color="#330099" style="color: rgb(51, 0, 153);"&gt;:&amp;nbsp;&lt;a href="" target="
blank"&gt;Beta User Forum&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;', N'The welcome message which will be displayed in the main page')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (8, N'ProjReposFileClick', N'General', N'None', N'Default Project Repository File Click Behaviour (None or View)')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (9, N'EnableHTMLPosts', N'General', N'YES', N'Controls if HTML tags can be entered into text boxes')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (10, N'CharSetForExcel', N'General', N'ISO-8859-1', N'The character set used when exporting issues to Excel')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (11, N'SessionRefresher', N'General', N'600', N'Make a never expired session (refresh in seconds)')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (12, N'Theme', N'General', N'Default', N'Default application theme')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (13, N'LayoutMode', N'Language', N'', N'The way to render HTML (ltr,rtl or leave blank)')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (14, N'LanguageFilePath', N'Language', N'Language', N'The the relative path to the language files')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (15, N'DefaultCultureName', N'Language', N'en-GB', N'The the language file to use as default')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (16, N'InstalledLanguages', N'General', N'US English|en-US|UK English|en-GB|German|de-DE|Spanish|es-ES|Italian|it-IT|French|fr-FR|Japanese|ja-JP|Portuguese|pt-PT|Chinese|zh-CHS|Russian|ru-RU|Greek|el-GR|Dutch|nl-NL|Polish|pl-PL|Brazilian Portuguese|pt-BR|Czech|cs-CZ|Slovak|sk-SK', N'Installed languages')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (17, N'InstalledThemes', N'General', N'Default|Army|AVG|Blue|BlueMetal|BlueSteel|Leather', N'Installed themes')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (18, N'DateFormat', N'Language', N'EU', N'The way we enter dates (EU or US)')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (19, N'TimeInWorkingDay', N'Issue', N'7:30', N'The time in a working day (HH:MM)')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (20, N'GlobalAssignResourceAtIssueCreation', N'Issue', N'NO', N'Controls if ALL USERS can assign resource to an issue during issue creation')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (21, N'IssueDescriptionType', N'Issue', N'RichText', N'The type of input box to use for issue description')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (22, N'IssueCommentType', N'Issue', N'RichText', N'The type of input box to use for issue comment')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (23, N'IssueLinkQualifier', N'Issue', N'GEM:', N'Any issue id with this qualified found will automatically link to the issue')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (24, N'AutoAlertForIssueCreator', N'Alerts', N'YES', N'Controls if the user creating an issue is automatically an ISSUE WATCHER (get issue alerts)')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (25, N'AutoAlertForIssueResource', N'Alerts', N'YES', N'Controls if the user working ON an issue is automatically an ISSUE WATCHER (get issue alerts)')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (26, N'PluginPath', N'Alerts', N'bin/plugins', N'The path to plugin directory under bin folder (required)')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (27, N'ShowUserRegistrationLink', N'Security', N'YES', N'Controls whether the logon page displays a link that would allow anyone to register as a member')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (28, N'AllowAnonymousUsers', N'Security', N'NO', N'Controls if anonymous users can access Gemini (e.g. no logon required)')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (29, N'ViewAllProjects', N'Security', N'NO', N'Are all projects visible to everyone?')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (30, N'AlwaysShowGeminiStats', N'Security', N'YES', N'Controls if the Gemini statistics panel is always shown ON the main page. This panel is visible if the user is admin or ViewAllProjects is YES.')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (31, N'ResetPasswordSubject', N'Security', N'Gemini Password Reset Request', N'The email subject line used for sending password reset requests')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (32, N'ResetPasswordMessage', N'Security', N'Please click ON the link below to reset your Gemini password.', N'The email message used for sending password reset requests')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (33, N'NewUserResetPassword', N'Security', N'BLANK', N'When creating a new user, you can send a reset password request:
   - AUTO      = Will always send reset password.
   - BLANK     = Will send a reset password only if password is blank.
   - NEVER     = Will not send a reset password.')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (34, N'SSOPasswordType', N'Security', N'PLAIN', N'Single Sign ON [method of passing user credentials (SSO.aspx)]
    - DBHASHED= This is taking the actual password as it is ON the DB (converted to base 64 string) and hash it with a key that is in the web.config (SSOKey).
    - DB      = This is taking the actual password as it is ON the DB (converted to base 64 string).
    - HASHED  = This is taking the clear text password and hash it with a key that is in the web.config (SSOKey, see below).
    - PLAIN   = This is just sending the password as clear text.')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (35, N'SSOKey', N'Security', N'', N'This key will be used to decrypt the passowrd to the SSO.aspx page')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (36, N'WebServicesAccessCode', N'Security', N'ABC123', N'This code will be checked against when a non WSE web service is called')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (37, N'UseAccessCodeForSourceControl', N'Security', N'NO', N'Should we authenticate access to the AddSCFile.aspx?')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (38, N'SchedulerDebugMode', N'SMTP', N'NO', N'Debug output from Scheduler Service')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (39, N'SMTPServer', N'SMTP', N'', N'SMTP server name/IP')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (40, N'SMTPServerPort', N'SMTP', N'25', N'Default SMTP server port')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (41, N'SMTPPOPBeforeSMTP', N'SMTP', N'NO', N'Do we POP3 before SMTP send')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (42, N'SMTPAuthenticationMode', N'SMTP', N'None', N'How to authenticate with SMTP server')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (43, N'SMTPAuthenticationUsername', N'SMTP', N'', N'Username for SMTP server authentication')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (44, N'SMTPAuthenticationPassword', N'SMTP', N'', N'Password for SMTP server authentication')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (45, N'EmailAlertsPollInterval', N'SMTP', N'5', N'Batch minutes')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (46, N'EmailAlertsEnabled', N'SMTP', N'YES', N'Enable email alerts?')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (47, N'SMTPEncodingType', N'SMTP', N'UTF8', N'UTF8 encoding?')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (48, N'SMTPFromEmailAddress', N'SMTP', N'', N'From email address')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (49, N'SMTPFromDisplayName', N'SMTP', N'Gemini Issue Tracker', N'From email display name')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (50, N'SMTPUseSSL', N'SMTP', N'NO', N'Use SSL with SMTP server?')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (51, N'SMTPSSLMode', N'SMTP', N'Auto', N'SMTP SSL mode: Auto, Ssl2, Ssl3, Tls1')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (52, N'EmailAlertEngine', N'SMTP', N'MailPlugin', N'How to send alerts: SchedulerService, MailPlugin')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
applicationsettings] ([settingid], [settingname], [settingcategory], [settingvalue], [settingdesc]) VALUES (53, N'HelpDeskModeGroup', N'Security', N'11', N'Any users within selected group will only see Issues list')
SET IDENTITYINSERT [dbo].[geminiapplicationsettings] OFF
INSERT INTO [dbo].[SAMPLECUSTOMFIELDEDITION] ([editionid], [editionname]) VALUES (1, N'Unknown')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[SAMPLECUSTOMFIELDEDITION] ([editionid], [editionname]) VALUES (2, N'Express')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[SAMPLECUSTOMFIELDEDITION] ([editionid], [editionname]) VALUES (3, N'Standard')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[SAMPLECUSTOMFIELDEDITION] ([editionid], [editionname]) VALUES (4, N'Professional')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[SAMPLECUSTOMFIELDEDITION] ([editionid], [editionname]) VALUES (5, N'Enterprise')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[SAMPLECUSTOMFIELDPLATFORM] ([platformid], [platformname]) VALUES (1, N'Unknown')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[SAMPLECUSTOMFIELDPLATFORM] ([platformid], [platformname]) VALUES (2, N'Windows XP')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[SAMPLECUSTOMFIELDPLATFORM] ([platformid], [platformname]) VALUES (3, N'Windows Vista')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[SAMPLECUSTOMFIELDPLATFORM] ([platformid], [platformname]) VALUES (4, N'Windows Server 2003')
SET IDENTITYINSERT [dbo].[geminiaffectedversions] ON
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiaffectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (8, 1, 5, '20080201 11:16:04.840')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
affectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (9, 4, 6, '20080201 11:18:18.717')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiaffectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (10, 5, 6, '20080201 11:23:49.717')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
affectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (11, 3, 5, '20080201 11:24:17.560')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiaffectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (16, 10, 2, '20080201 13:17:04.140')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
affectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (50, 2, 5, '20080202 13:57:09.060')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiaffectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (88, 23, 5, '20080310 12:47:49.700')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
affectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (91, 8, 1, '20080418 13:51:24.280')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiaffectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (92, 24, 1, '20080418 13:51:24.483')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
affectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (93, 7, 2, '20080418 13:51:24.530')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiaffectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (94, 11, 3, '20080418 13:51:24.590')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
affectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (96, 14, 2, '20080418 13:51:24.717')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiaffectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (97, 14, 1, '20080418 13:51:24.717')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
affectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (98, 15, 1, '20080418 13:51:24.763')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiaffectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (99, 20, 2, '20080418 13:51:24.857')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
affectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (100, 18, 2, '20080418 13:51:24.920')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiaffectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (101, 18, 1, '20080418 13:51:24.920')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
affectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (102, 17, 1, '20080418 13:51:24.967')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiaffectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (103, 16, 3, '20080418 13:51:25.013')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
affectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (104, 16, 2, '20080418 13:51:25.013')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiaffectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (105, 16, 1, '20080418 13:51:25.030')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
affectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (108, 12, 2, '20080418 13:51:25.153')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiaffectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (109, 9, 1, '20080418 13:51:25.200')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
affectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (112, 13, 2, '20080422 11:15:19.013')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiaffectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (113, 13, 1, '20080422 11:15:19.013')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
affectedversions] ([affectedversionid], [issueid], [versionid], [created]) VALUES (114, 22, 2, '20080422 11:18:58.327')
SET IDENTITYINSERT [dbo].[geminiaffectedversions] OFF
SET IDENTITYINSERT [dbo].[geminiappointments] ON
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminiappointments] ([appointmentid], [projectid], [subject], [startdate], [enddate], [recurrencerule], [recurrencestate], [userid], [created]) VALUES (2, 2, N'Weekly Team Meeting', '20080404 12:00:00.000', '20080404 13:00:00.000', N'DTSTART:20080404T120000Z
', 0, NULL, '20080422 11:26:37.827')
INSERT [dbo].[geminiappointments] OFF
INSERT [dbo].[geminicomponents] ON
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
components] ([componentid], [projectid], [componentname], [componentdesc], [componentreadonly], [userid], [created]) VALUES (1, 1, N'Database', N'Database scheme and content related', 'N', 4, '20080131 16:28:35.733')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicomponents] ([componentid], [projectid], [componentname], [componentdesc], [componentreadonly], [userid], [created]) VALUES (2, 1, N'Documentation', N'Product end-user materials', 'N', 4, '20080131 16:29:51.407')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
components] ([componentid], [projectid], [componentname], [componentdesc], [componentreadonly], [userid], [created]) VALUES (3, 1, N'No Component', N'No Component', 'N', 4, '20080131 16:30:34.793')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicomponents] ([componentid], [projectid], [componentname], [componentdesc], [componentreadonly], [userid], [created]) VALUES (4, 1, N'Web Services Gateway', N'Integration gateway', 'N', 1, '20080131 16:30:58.247')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
components] ([componentid], [projectid], [componentname], [componentdesc], [componentreadonly], [userid], [created]) VALUES (5, 1, N'Reporting', N'Reporting and business intelligence capabilities via SQL 2005 &amp; Reporting Services', 'N', 1, '20080131 16:31:49.233')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicomponents] ([componentid], [projectid], [componentname], [componentdesc], [componentreadonly], [userid], [created]) VALUES (6, 1, N'User Interface', N'UI design, look-and-feel, platform support', 'N', 4, '20080131 16:32:20.140')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
components] ([componentid], [projectid], [componentname], [componentdesc], [componentreadonly], [userid], [created]) VALUES (7, 1, N'Installation', N'Product build, installation and shipping related', 'N', 4, '20080131 16:32:54.717')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicomponents] ([componentid], [projectid], [componentname], [componentdesc], [componentreadonly], [userid], [created]) VALUES (8, 2, N'Database', N'Database scheme and content related', 'N', 2, '20080131 16:34:30.043')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
components] ([componentid], [projectid], [componentname], [componentdesc], [componentreadonly], [userid], [created]) VALUES (9, 2, N'Installation', N'Product build, installation and shipping related', 'N', 2, '20080131 16:34:43.733')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicomponents] ([componentid], [projectid], [componentname], [componentdesc], [componentreadonly], [userid], [created]) VALUES (10, 2, N'No Component', N'No Component', 'N', 1, '20080131 16:35:00.687')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
components] ([componentid], [projectid], [componentname], [componentdesc], [componentreadonly], [userid], [created]) VALUES (11, 2, N'Packaging -- Help/Guides', N'Product end-user materials', 'N', 4, '20080131 16:35:47.937')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicomponents] ([componentid], [projectid], [componentname], [componentdesc], [componentreadonly], [userid], [created]) VALUES (12, 2, N'Reporting &amp; BI', N'Reporting and business intelligence capabilities via SQL 2005 &amp; Reporting Services', 'N', 1, '20080131 16:37:56.483')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
components] ([componentid], [projectid], [componentname], [componentdesc], [componentreadonly], [userid], [created]) VALUES (13, 2, N'User Interface', N'UI design, look-and-feel, platform support', 'N', 1, '20080131 16:38:13.263')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicomponents] ([componentid], [projectid], [componentname], [componentdesc], [componentreadonly], [userid], [created]) VALUES (14, 2, N'Web Services Gateway', N'Integration gateway', 'N', 2, '20080131 16:38:34.577')
INSERT [dbo].[geminicomponents] OFF
INSERT [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ON
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (1, 1, 4, 1, 1, N'3', '20080131 18:31:31.513')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (2, 2, 4, 1, 1, N'5', '20080131 18:31:31.530')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (3, 1, 1, 1, 2, N'4', '20080131 18:32:46.360')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (4, 2, 1, 1, 2, N'3', '20080131 18:32:46.373')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (5, 1, 4, 1, 3, N'1', '20080131 18:33:39.717')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (6, 2, 4, 1, 3, N'1', '20080131 18:33:39.733')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (7, 1, 4, 1, 4, N'2', '20080201 11:18:18.860')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (8, 2, 4, 1, 4, N'2', '20080201 11:18:18.950')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (9, 1, 4, 1, 5, N'1', '20080201 11:23:49.763')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (10, 2, 4, 1, 5, N'5', '20080201 11:23:49.780')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (11, 1, 1, 2, 6, N'4', '20080201 13:05:43.793')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (12, 2, 1, 2, 6, N'3', '20080201 13:05:43.793')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (13, 1, 1, 2, 7, N'1', '20080201 13:06:52.077')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (14, 2, 1, 2, 7, N'1', '20080201 13:06:52.110')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (15, 1, 1, 2, 8, N'2', '20080201 13:08:49.623')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (16, 2, 1, 2, 8, N'4', '20080201 13:08:49.640')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (17, 1, 1, 2, 9, N'1', '20080201 13:11:25.497')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (18, 2, 1, 2, 9, N'4', '20080201 13:11:25.497')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (19, 1, 1, 2, 10, N'1', '20080201 13:17:04.247')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (20, 2, 1, 2, 10, N'1', '20080201 13:17:04.263')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (21, 1, 1, 2, 11, N'1', '20080201 13:27:49.903')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (22, 2, 1, 2, 11, N'1', '20080201 13:27:49.920')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (23, 1, 1, 2, 12, N'1', '20080201 13:34:15.483')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (24, 2, 1, 2, 12, N'1', '20080201 13:34:15.497')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (25, 1, 1, 2, 13, N'1', '20080201 13:35:06.327')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (26, 2, 1, 2, 13, N'1', '20080201 13:35:06.327')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (27, 1, 1, 2, 14, N'4', '20080201 13:37:40.793')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (28, 2, 1, 2, 14, N'4', '20080201 13:37:40.793')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (29, 1, 1, 2, 15, N'3', '20080201 13:38:51.340')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (30, 2, 1, 2, 15, N'5', '20080201 13:38:51.357')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (31, 1, 1, 2, 16, N'1', '20080201 13:50:35.623')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[geminicustomfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (32, 2, 1, 2, 16, N'1', '20080201 13:50:35.640')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini
customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (33, 1, 1, 2, 17, N'1', '20080201 14:19:14.653')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[gemini_customfielddata] ([customfielddataid], [customfieldid], [userid], [projectid], [issueid], [fielddata], [created]) VALUES (34, 2, 1, 2, 17, N'1', '20080201 14:19:14.670')

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