Gemini Community Support Site

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Create Issue


I am unable to create any issues, even though I am a Gemini Adminstrator and everyone else can create them. I can edit existing issues but not save ones I've created. When I click the link 'create issue', I get the Create Issue form and can populate it but when I click the Create button, nothing happens. Clicking Cancel refreshes the screen but doesn't take me back to the previous page.

I've checked my permissions and they include 'Create Issue' on all projects.

Is this a bug or am I missing something?


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Replies (5)
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This is probably due to field visibility scheme that is used for issue creation.
It is probably hiding a field that is required but doesn't have default value.

Please check the visibility scheme for create issue and the default values for the project.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

It seems that I can only create an issue if I select at least one component in the 'Component Affected' list, yet I may not know at that stage which components are affected. Also, other people have created issues with no components selected.

How is this possible and why do I have to select a component at creation stage?

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Yes, every issue in Gemini must be associated with at least one component. I am not sure how issues with no component have been created, this might be a bug.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Thanks for the info. It's a shame. In the case of bugs, we may not know which components are affected when the issue is raised in Gemini, until there has been further investigation. I suppose we could just guess, and then change the selection later.

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Some of our clients (and us) have a "No Component" component for such issues.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing