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USing Gemini as a PBL as well as bug tracker



I would like to know if it's possible to use Gemini in a smooth way as a product backlog tool. The developers at our company recommended it and now I sit there and try prioritizing product backlog items using priority/severity which doesn't work smooth at all.

I would like to be able to prioritze my items from top to bottom and for the developers to view the items sorted the same way as I intended to. Also, I would like to be able to easily prioritize them this way. That means, I don't want to have a custom field textbox which I have to write 1 for the highest priority, 2 in the next item which has the second highest priority, etc. because that would mean I have to re-proioritize everything if I want to push an item in between the items already prioritized as 10 and 11. Drag'n'drop would be sought after, but an up and a down button for moving the items up and down the prioritiy-list would also be ok.

Is anything of this at all feasible in the curent release of GEmini (we run 3.1.1 for some reason)?

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Replies (2)
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Firstly, do check out next release of Gemini (3.6):

The problem is that Gemini does not allow ordering of individual issues: each issue is equal and can only be differenciated by it's attributes: priority, severity, etc.

But Gemini 3.6 does allow for nested versions which should help with breaking down the PBL into Sprints (a.k.a) Nested Versions.

Harvey Kandola
· 212
Harvey Kandola
not helpful

How could nested issues help me? You mean creating an issue Sprint1, and then move each "free"issue (i.e. issues not belonging to a nested issue) I want in the spring to the Sprint1 issue?

Thing is, I do this already today, by using "Fixed to version", setting up each sprint as a version. The problem is not that, the problem is sorting the issues correctly (ascending) within the version where I've moved say 10 issues.

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