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Time report


As manager I would like to have a report that contains information about, how much time a resource has log in a period of a month, and on which issue/issues. Is it possible to get without making modifications?

· 1
Replies (3)
not helpful

This is currently possible at the project level only. For each project you can see the time report by user for a time period.
You can click on the resource to see the issues.

Is it what you are after?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

I was aware of time tracking on project, but my resources work on many different customer projects and I use issue number and time log as documentation for my invoice. Therefore would it be great if it´s was possible to define a period, those a resource and get a report that tells me which issue my resource has been working on and for how long. But as I understand your answer, that’s not possible?

· 1
not helpful

Yes, it is not possible at the moment. Only the actual user (resource) can do this (by week) via the Time link.
However, we are adding it for 3.6.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing