Gemini Community Support Site

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Log in problems when using VS 2008 add-on from computer not in Domain and using Windows Authenticati


My configuration: * Gemini 3.5.4, configured for Windows Authentication (anonymous access disabled in IIS) * Client is a Windows Vista PC that is not part of the domain.

On my Windows Vista PC I logon locally. Going to the gemini website I'm being presented a dialogbox where I enter my domain account and password. This allows me to use Gemini trough the web interface without any problems.

However using the VS 2008 Add-on I can not find a way to succesfully log in. I have tried to use DebugView in order to get more information, but somehow nothing shows up in the log upon loggin in. Do I have to enable debug messages or something?

Best regards,

Jan van de Pol

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Replies (1)
not helpful

Can you try logging in via Gemini Time Tracker or Desktop and send us the DebugView output to support at countersoft dot com.

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