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Road Map - complex projects with many components having different version/release schedules


In the Road Map module issues are displayed grouped by their associated version number. For a product in which all components are updated/published together in the same version increments this works well. However, for software products with large numbers of components that are upgraded (version incremented) independently of the core product, the current road map display grouped only by version number is insufficient. The current display mixes issues from all components that just happen to have a similar version number, even if the timing of their releases is different. Is there any way to display in the Road Map all issues grouped first by their component and then grouped by their version number?

· 1
Replies (2)
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The above comment/question applies equally to the Change Log module.

(For example, when we go to release a new component, it would be nice to see the change log for that specific component without having to weed it out from all issues with other components that just happen to have the same version number.)

· 1
not helpful

We are currently re-vamping 3.6 Components tab to provide more detailed information including issues fixed/assigned by component.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing