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Customizing burn down chart?


Hi there,

Is there some way to customize the burn down chart? currently, as a default, the chart looks at the "Completed" status of an issue.

In our team, we use the "completed" status to mark issues which have been fully tested and delivered to a customer.

We introduced a new status named "Ready for Release", and I would like the burn down chart to look at that status, and not the completed status.

Any way to accomplish this?

Also, if I must create a custom report, can someone point me in the right direction? There's barely half a page describing "custom reports" on the Gemini documentation ....

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Replies (4)
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Currently it looks at CLOSED issue status for burndown charting rendering. We will look into if this can be implemented.

Custom Reports. Yes, documentation is not good on this topic. To be honest, we have planned to do a Webcast that would show how to Create Custom Reports. In the meantime:

  1. Create a new WebApp Project in Visual Studio (.NET 3.5)
  2. Reference CounterSoft.Gemini.Commons assembly.
  3. Remove all files from this Project and add a User Control (.ASCX).
  4. In the code-behind for this User Control ensure you inherit from BaseReportControl (as this will expose things like ProjectID so your User Control knows which project you should report upon.
  5. Write code to pull in your data (e.g. pull issue data + anything else you need from Gemini SQL Database.  Note: your code can read the Gemini Database Connection from the Gemini web.config at runtime using code snippet at the bottom of this post.
  6. Render your report data as required.  Note: you can use Microsoft ASP.NET Charting Controls as they are FREE and we also use them.
  7. Then, place you .ASCX file somewhere inside Gemini web application folder, and place your ASCX.CS compiled code DLL into Gemini's "bin" folder.
  8. Go to Administration --> Reports and add your Report to the list.
  9. Go to Project Administration --> Reports and determine who can see your Report.

        public static string GetDatabaseConnectionString()
            NHibernate.Cfg.ConfigurationSchema.HibernateConfiguration nhibernateConfig = (NHibernate.Cfg.ConfigurationSchema.HibernateConfiguration)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("hibernate-configuration");

            return nhibernateConfig.SessionFactory.Properties["connection.connection_string"];

Harvey Kandola
· 212
Harvey Kandola
not helpful

Harvey, I appreciate the quick response!



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Hey Harvey,

I was following the steps outlined, but cannot locate the BaseReportControl class...

Tried both CounterSoft.Gemini.Commons and CounterSoft.Gemini.Reporting

I installed the latest gemini version and sample database using the executable installer

I'm referencing the assembly found in C:\Program Files\CounterSoft\CounterSoft Gemini Issue Tracker\Gemini Web Application\bin

any idea what i'm doing wrong?



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not helpful

I think i got it...

CounterSoft.Gemini.Presenter.Base.ReportBaseControl :)

and NOT


There's no such class :)


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