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Components and Ressources not linked to issue anymore after upgrade 2.1.1 to 3.7.2


We are planning a upgrade next Friday. However during our simulation, we noticed that Ressources aren't affected anymore to project (maybe because they need to be affected via Project Groups - however it's not really a probem), ressources aren't affected with issues on the projects, compotnents have no linked issues. And in the previous version the information exists... I've followed the upgrade procedure : 1. Execute “UPGRADEv2-2.sql” in Gemini Issues Database 2. Execute “CREATETABLES.sql” in Gemini Issues Database 3. Execute “CREATEVIEWS.sql” in Gemini Issues Database 4. Execute “CREATEPROCS.sql” in Gemini Issues Database 5. Execute “UPGRADE_v3-0-Step1.sql” in Gemini Issues Database

Furthemore, I've got no SQL errors and everything works perfectly... except It seems I lost data during the procedure... Wich is not ok... at all.

Do you have suggestions or Ideas to help me understand why does it happen?

· 1
Replies (3)
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Issue resources are moved across, are all your migrated have no resource against them?
Note that assignable resouces are not migrated this is done via the security schemes now.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

I have 76 projects and none of them have ressources. In all the issues even the closed one, the Assigned to is set to nobody (oki the current configuration have no assignable resources but this is troublesome because it means that we lose the historic with the upgrade... That mean all our users affected on open issues will have to be manually reassigned??? we have more than 8000 issues... I just can't even consider this). For the link between the components and the issues do you have any ideas ? I tried to execute the following query : select count(*) from gemini_issuecomponents and the result is 0 as expected. Do you have any lead on the subject ?

· 1
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From what you have shown here it seems like that upgrade script did not run successfully.
The issue resources and components should migrate. Are you sure that there were no errors during the 3.0 step 1 script?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing