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Project lists in admin mode


My team is in charge of managing the Development environnement. And with that comes the Gemini Administration. However we are part-tim user/part-time admins. The thing is, when you are in the Gemini Administrators Group, the dashboard lists all the projects. When I'm in my user role, this is sometime... annoying. That's why I was wondering if there was any way to have the project list on which you are affected as a user and the full project list accessible by the administrator. Don't tell the only way is to have a dedicated Administrator account... or is it ?

· 1
Replies (1)
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Gemini security works with user groups and as soon as a group you belong to can view a project, it will be listed.

However, since the Gemini administrator group does not have to have any permissions on any project, simply remove that Gemini administrator group from the security scheme(s).

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing