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Resource list limited to 15 on Project page?


I've recently had a request from a few developers that their name be listed under the 'Resources' heading on a project they have access too.  It looks like Gemini displays only 15 users (including the Unassigned category) by default -- and in alphabetical order.  Users who happen to be farther down the alphabet never see their name, and have to go to the 'My Work' menu to see their items.

Is there a way to configure this to show more/all of our users?

Let me know if you need more information.



· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

Which version of Gemini are you running? You should be able to scroll through the list, is that not the case for you. Also, are you referring to the project home page or issues filter?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing