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History Functionality Changed in Latest Version


In previous versions of Gemini, when I would update the Status field without actually changing the value, a History record would be logged.  However, in the latest version, a History record is not logged in this situation.

I can understand why this change was made (ie to reduce the number of "unuseful" History records).  However, I considered the old functionality to be a "feature" that helped me to track my time.

For example, I'd set the status of an Issue to "In Progress" with the intention of starting to fix a problem...but often I'd get distracted with other work, so the next time I started to work in the Issue, I'd simply update the status from In "Progress" to "In Progress", which would log a History record.  It often happened that I'd repeatedly update the status to "In Progress" before I truly started investigating/fixing a problem.  When I finally got to the point of resolving the issue, I would look at the History to find the time of the most recent update to "In Progress"...and then I would look at the time I resolved the problem...the difference between the two times would be the amount of time that I would log under the time "tab".

I realize that there is time tracker application, but I found my time tracking method to be extremely simple and effective.

Now to my way of addressing this problem (other than Countersoft reverting the functionality back to it's original state) would be if someone could tell me of a way to log a History record very quickly (ie with a single mouse click).  I could then use this as my new indicator of when I start to investigate a problem.

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Replies (2)
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Unfortunately, it is not possible to generate an histroy record without changes to the issue (comment, status etc...).
However, I'm not sure that your method is right, as you might be under logging your time.
Say you have started working on the issueand after 30 minutes you got distracted for a full day. Now you'd go back and set the status to in progress work for an hour and close the issue. You will log only 1 hour and lose the 30 minutes you worked on the day before. Am I missing something?
Why not use the time tracking from the Gemini add-ons? It allows you to record, pause your time...

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

I usually don't work on it for any significant amount of time before I get distracted, so the vast majority of the time I spend on an Issue is between the last time set it to "In Progress" and when it is resolved.  And if I do spend time on an Issue before getting distracted then I'll log my time at that point, and then log additional time the next time I work on in.

I'll give the add-on another try...

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