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Tips for arranging Clients/Projects/Tasks - Bill by client



Does anyone have any tips for organizing my Labels/Projects and Tasks in Gemini?

I'm an in-house developer with 3 outside clients and need to produce a monthly billing statement per client. I was thinking about using client name as the label and then projects per client underneath but then thought that it might be a misuse of the power of labels. Plus, it doesn't appear that the time reports subtotal (or even show) by label (client). So I'm wondering if I should just add a custom field (client) to the projects and write a custom billing report.

Does anyone else track project time to a client? What was your approach?

Thank You Mike Reynolds

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Replies (2)
not helpful

We suggest a project per client, that way you can easily create time reports per client.
Have you read our best practices PDF?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

I did not see this document but I am reading through it now. Thank you.

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