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Remove severity for projects


I've always struggled a little with the field visibility schemes (now called screens apparently). I've been asked to hide issue severity for a bunch of projects and the only way I can see to do this is to create new edit screens set up duplicate issue types and set this new edit screen for each of those types. Is this correct? Any other way to accomplish this?

Also, I'll mention that your upgrade SQL scripts are missing the scripts to update some views with new fields you've added. I forget which ones specifically but this is the second time that I've had to add missing scripts when doing a database upgrade to get everything working again.

· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

After every database upgrade you must run createviews and createprocs, did you do so?

How do you control security for your projects project or global groups? If you are using project groups simply select the correct groups that are allowed to view the severity field.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen