Gemini Community Support Site

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DB server and application location


Is it necessary that the SQL Server and the Web server running the Gemini be running the same machines?

· 1
Replies (3)
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No, you can modify the connection string in the web.config file to point to the database server.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

I get error like"Login failed for domain\machinename" when I try to run the application. The machinename is the host name of my machine.


- Gemini is installed on the freshly formatted machine (hostname : machinename)

- Gemini DB is available on another machine. The scripts have been run and there are no errors ( I migrated from 2.0.2 to 3.6.5)

- The DB administrator has given me <domain name>\<loginname> permissions (below securit\logins in SQL server) for the Gemini DB as dbowner and dbadmin. Apart from me there is a sa account and nothing else.

- I try connecting using trusted connection = true.

Do I need to ask DB admin to add NETWORK_SERVICE as well?

Anything else I should be doing to bring the application up?

· 1
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Becasuse you are using windows authentication to connect to SQL you will need to run Gemini (application pool user) using an account that can connect to your SQL box.
Otherwise, simply use SQL username / password instead in the connection string.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing