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Gemini Desktop Help Desk


I am trying to setup Gemini as a help desk for our office which seems easy enough using portal mode and the browser but we want to use gemini desktop and this is where I am running into problems.

I need the two team members in our support group to receive the ticket and be able to assign the issue to a member in the team, the user who submitted the ticket to be updated that their ticket has been assigned and is being worked on and for only that user and the team members be able to view the ticket.


All users are in Everyone/Everyone Auth global groups
Created Global groups for each dept exp Finance/Marketing which their respective users are placed in 
Support team is in Gemini admin global group, full control over security schemes

Created Security Scheme (tickets) and associated the dept's global groups with the scheme with the following permissons

View Project
View Documents
Only View Own Issues
Edit Own Issue
Delete Own Issue
Create Issue
Create Comment
Edit Own Comment
Delete Own Comment
Set Issue Visibility
View Issue Watchers and Voters

I created a user named Support and also put that in the Gemini Admin group so our end user could assign the ticket to that and the support team can choose who to assign the issue to but that is not really working, kind of works if end user assigns to the other two team members  showing up in the assign to box. Not sure what to set the visibility to or assign to but after the ticket is created and assign to support then a support member assigns it to someone the ticket gets removed from the submitters desktop. Thanks for any help.

Windows Auth
Desktop ver 3.6.4

· 1
Replies (3)
not helpful

Not sure I follow.

1. Why do you assign users to the Gemini admin group?
2. If you have the only view own issues then you will see only issues that are reported by you or assigned to yo. Is this not the case for you?
3. This shouldn't matter if you are using the desktop or web. Is it different for you?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

The support team that administers gemini needs to go somewhere so I put them there.

 If the ticket is assigned to just me it will work, but the users reporting the ticket do not know who will be working on the issue so i don't want them doing this. What i would like is for them to report the ticket to a generic user or group named support then both support team members get notified and we decide who works on it and we assign it with the reporting user receiving updates on the activity.

I tested portal mode on the web and looked ok but did not work with the desktop. What i seen in the support docs portal mode is only for the web, maybe i got that wrong.

· 1
not helpful

Just tested it and it works fine over here with the web and desktop.

which part works on the web but not with the desktop?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing