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Windows Authentication failing for some users.


Build 3.63

We are using windows auth for gemini desktop login and for some reason some are working and some are failing.

I created all the users in the same way 
domain\win network user name
password I made up as anything since we would be using win auth

On the users that are failing i then tried to login with gemini desktop with the user name i made and password without selecting use win auth and still failed.

I deleted the user then recreated same problem.

· 1
Replies (3)
not helpful

Can you please make sure that you have disabled "Anonymous access" in IIS for the Gemini site?
Also, are these users able to login using a browser with no issues?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Anonymous Authentication is disabled in IIS. Can not log in with firefox but in IE users goes straight to support site without having to enter in a user name or password. This was the first time using the browser with this user so no login info has been saved, seems like win auth was being applied there.

IE- 8

· 1
not helpful

Can you run Debug view with the desktop and see what is the error?
If you get 401 then it might be an issue that is fixed in the next release:

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing