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"Current Release" on projects page


How does Gemini pick which release to use for the "Current Release" tidbit on the projects listing page? And how is it supposed to interact with parent versions?

· 1
Replies (3)
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The current release is the latest release as in the version admin page.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

I figured it came from the versions admin page, but what defines the "latest release" on the versions admin page? As an example of why I'm confused, I have a project where the last three versions I created show up on the admin page something like this:

1809 xxxx 12/15/2009 - 12/15/2009 [released]
1834 yyyy 1/11/2010 - 1/11/2010 [released]
1854 zzzz 1/12/2010 - 1/15/2010 [unreleased]

The last two are under this parent version:

1853 pppp 1/1/2010 - 12/31/2010 [unreleased]

On the projects listing page, this project shows the xxxx release as the current release. Looking at that release by itself, this doesn't make sense... it's got a lower version ID, earlier start and finish dates, and even an alphabetically earlier name. Based on the child versions, I'd expect yyyy to be the latest.

So, perhaps it's the parent. If you ignore yyyy and zzzz because they're under an unreleased parent, then xxxx indeed makes sense as the latest. But not so fast: If I mark zzzz as released, then it shows as the latest, disproving the parent theory.

All of which brings me back to my original question: How, in terms of algorithm, does Gem pick the latest version? And how do parent versions play into that decision?

· 1
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Got you, this is an issue with the ordering of child versions. This is fixed for 3.6.1.
unfortunately, you will have to re-order one of the child version for each parent.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing