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Usability of version attributes in 3.6


We use version attributes to track various bits of information like the version's changed paths and release instructions. Then when we do a release, we copy and paste those bits of information elsewhere. We also reference the attributes page in our change management notes.

In 3.5, the attributes opened in a separate, normal window. We could size it however big or small we wanted to meet our wrapping needs, and we could easily copy and paste from it. In 3.6, the attributes open in a fixed-size JS layer which basically kills all of the functionality we need - we can't resize it, and we can't copy/paste from it because any attempt to click within it immediately dismisses it. Needless to say, we don't like the new version at all as it completely breaks our release and documentation processes. Is there any way to get the old behavior back?


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Replies (6)
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The old page still exists: /Project/VersionInfo.aspx?ID={Your Version ID} so you can still open and do all the copy etc... or are you saying that the display itself does not work for you?

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

That's great - thanks!

Since the page apparently isn't linked to in the app, are there plans to get rid of it? And, can I reliably send out links directly to a version's page without worrying about Gem getting confused by the user's session information? It used to be that if the user wasn't already "in" the right project, they'd get an Insufficient Rights message. A quick test just now suggests that this behavior has gone away....

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Hmm, I think I've answered my own question. It shows the right version title, but not the right information. Actually, this is what I remember the previous versions doing, so no change here. (The Insufficient Rights message happens a lot with session confusion, but it's on other pages.)

So this means that I should instruct users to navigate to the project home page, and then manually go to the correct VersionInfo.aspx URL. Or is there a way to shortcut that?

Thanks again.

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Please try and pass the project id to it{PROJECT ID HERE}

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

That works great, thanks.

So is this page going to go away or fall out of maintenance?

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At the moment we are not looking to remove it. We will revise it for 4.0.

However, given that we are using it I don't see it being removed at all.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen