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Issue assigning lead to a project (and users to groups) in 3.1.2 (Build 2257)


Hey guys, a long time ago I used Gemini for an open source project and never really had any issues with it. The time has come for another project I'm working on to require issue tracking so I decided to check out Gemini and see if it would work out for us.

So far everything looks great except for one show stopper. I can't seem to assign a Project Lead to a Project nor can I add users to a Project Group after initial creation. When I click on the drop-down list next to "Lead:" or "User:", the list just shows "Loading..." briefly and then nothing happens. If I click on the double down arrows on the drop-down, the same thing happens. I'm assuming that activating this list should be showing me a list of all users in the system, correct? I have two users, other than admin and anon, one is in the Developers, Admins and Managers group and the other is in the Developers and Managers group. I can't help but think that I'm missing something obvious but I've read through the installation guide and I'm pretty sure I'm not missing anything. It "feels" like there's an issue with that Combo Box/Drop-Down List control or possibly the database isn't returning the proper data but I'm out of ideas at this point.

I'm running on Server 2008 with SQL 2008 SP1 and .NET 3.5 SP1. The AJAX Extensions are installed (and so is MVC 1.0, if that matters). The Gemini site is a virtual folder off the default IIS7 folder. It has it's own AppPool and is set to Classic mode and I set the URL in the config. I'm using IE8. I tried it in Compatibility mode and normal mode. I also tested it in a Virtual Machine with IE6.

I don't think this should matter but I'm using this method to connect to the database in the Web.config:

Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Gemini.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True

Any ideas?


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Replies (4)
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The combo box will start filling up when you type something in it. So start typing the name and suggestions will appear.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Bahahaa, Ok yeah that works. Am I the only one who tought that would show a list of users when clicking on the drop-down arrow thing? Or is this a common user error? (I guess I'm so tired I didn't even notice the flashing cursor there, or assumed it was an IE8 artifact or random javascript artifact, etc.)


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not helpful

You are not the first! There are a few users who get confused by this.

I will see if we can put a tool tip or something to make it clearer, thanks for the feedback.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

It makes total sense after you know so yeah, maybe a tooltip would be a good solution.

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