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SQL server permissions issue?


So I've got a Gemini v3.1.1 install partially up and running.  I had it working in a test environment, but then I started with a manual install of Gemini in a production system, copying the database over from the test environment.  I am able to change configuration parameters from within the admin interface.  However, there are many things that I can't do.  For example, when I try to assign an issue to myself

Assigned To

                                <span id="ctl00_Main_lblAssignedTo"></span>[<a id="ctl00_Main_ISSUE_ViewIssueAssignMe" href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$Main$ISSUE_ViewIssueAssignMe','')">Assign Issue to me</a>]
                            <br><font size="2" face="Courier New"><br><font face="Arial">I get a javascript popup:</font><br><br>could not insert: [CounterSoft.Gemini.Commons.IssueResourceEN][SQL: INSERT INTO gemini_issueresources (issueid, userid) VALUES (?, ?); select SCOPE_IDENTITY()]<br><br><font face="Arial">I've been fighting with this, thinking it is a permissions issue with the SQL server, but no amount of messing with that has solved this.&nbsp; The app can read anything from the database, but can't write certain things.&nbsp; Other places of fail are when I try to add a comment to an issue - submitting the form doesn't go anywhere - it acts like it is posting, but then returns me to the same place of being able to add a comment, but didn't actually add it.<br><br>As far as I know I did not mess with the tables or any table-specific permissions in the Gemini database that would explain this.<br></font></font>
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Replies (3)
not helpful

Can you please check the Geminii error log?

Which version of SQL did you use before and now?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.  There is nothing in the log.

The production system is running SQL Server 2005 Express (Sorry, not my choice).  The test platform is running SQL Server 2005, which does not appear to be the express version (again, not my choice)

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not helpful

I gave up.  I started from scratch with a new database despite the pain that it is to manually reconfigure all the stuff I had. It seems to be working.  No idea what is wrong, doesn't really matter I guess.  Thanks anyways.

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