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Gemini 2.2.2 to 3.1.1 Upgrade Issues


I've been testing out the upgrade of our Gemini 2.2.2 installation to the new 3.1.1 version.

After the setup has been completed succesfully (no warnings during the execution of the sql upgrade files) we find that no data is where it should be.

Clicking on AI-2127 takes you to Tril-2127

The issue seems to have been migrated to an entirely different project (from AI to TRIL) and completely different users show up in the Assigned resources as ilustrated here:

(2.2.2 on the left and 3.1.1 on the right)

When approaching the issue by typing the issue number into find issue, does bring me to AI-2127 and its edit function shows all the appropriate data in the appropriate fields.

I've tried re-doing the database update but nothing seems to change. Does anyone have an idea what exactly is going on?

· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

This seems like a security scheme issue.

Did you follow the migration guide? We always suggest re-doing the security after the upgrade.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing