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Gemini Desktop Windows Authentication


Normal authentication works fine, but windows authentication doesn't. I get Log In Error popup with a message "Login error encountered. Please check username and password."

Looking through the manual doesn't give me any clues.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <add key="Proxy" value="" />
    <!-- Add some tolerance so we do not need to synch our server's time (10 minutes)-->
    <add key="webservicestimeout" value="60" />
    <add key="winauth" value="1" />
      <add key="GeminiURL" value="Geminihttp://gemini/" />
    <add key="webservicesurl" value="http://gemini/" />
    <add key="webservicesproxy" value="" />

Is there something on the server side to be set up?

Gemini web.config is set to windows authentication:

    <!--  AUTHENTICATION  (Gemini possible modes are "Windows", "Forms") -->
    <authentication mode="Windows">
      <forms name="Gemini22" loginUrl="Default.aspx" timeout="60" />

By the way, Gemini Scheduler works fine with direct authentication:

<Client WebServicesURL="http://gemini/webservices" AuthenticationUsername="admin" AuthenticationPassword="xxx">


· 1
Replies (1)
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This is an issue which will be fixed for the Gemini 3.0 release.

You can use your winodws user as Gemini user and a password for gemin that can be set via the profile page.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen