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Email Link to project/issue: how to prevent malicious use (i.e. sending spam)?


The send email link to project feature currently allow anyone to send mails with arbitrary content to anyone - over my own mail server. This is a cool feature and the ui looks nice. Unfortunately it could be easily misused and automated to send spam or other malicious or unsolicited mails, what would likely result in my mail server getting blacklisted.

Is there a way to disable this feature (completely, or only for some security groups), or much better, to turn it into some kind of mailto link where the user would actually send the mail himself, over his own mail server (at least for some security groups)?

I can't simply disable mails in gemini, since I still need it for the notifications.

Thanks anyway for the great product!


· 1
Replies (3)
not helpful

Unfortunately, there is no way to switch it off. However, you could simply rename or delete the sendmail.aspx file which is under the utility\Windows directory of you Gemini virtual directory.

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Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

Thanks for the suggestions. I will either rename it, or try to replace it with something similar. I'll also create an issue in your tracker.

Of course it's only an issue on public Internet faced installations anyway.


· 1
not helpful

Thanks for the good feedback, much appreciated!

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen