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"Affected Versions" vs "Fixed in Version" and what is a "version" anyw


I'm just getting started with Gemini, so I'm still getting used to the options and such... What is the difference between "Affected Versions" and "Fixed in Version" fields?  I guess I'm not sure what the "Affected Versions" field is used for or how it affects how an issue is set up.

All software development work is for a web-based application... so the concept of "version" is a bit odd for us.  We don't have "builds" per se... we just deploy code (.aspx and code and image files and what-not) as needed.  But, if we don't use versions, then the Project Log and Road Map stuff seems to be meaningless.

So one thought was just to have a "next release" version.  Any issues that a developer wants to release can assign it to that version.  Then, when I really do move code into production, I can rename the version (perhaps a date derivative like 20071231), and create a new "next release" version... 

Would that work?

· 1
Replies (1)
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Yes, that should work.

Basically, you have 2 versions all the time. 1 is the currently released version and 1 for the next release.

However, the best way to work is by using incremental versions (1.0, 1.1 etc...) as this makes it easier to know which version a client is using (affected version) when reporting a bug / issue.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen