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Poor performance


    Caveat - I imported data into the Gemini database from a previous issue tracker, so I might have done this to myself.

My database has 9000 issues in it; approximately 1600 are not closed.

I'm seeing fairly bad performance when doing several different operations: opening an issue with ViewIssue; clicking on the next issue link, bringing up issues.aspx.

Some operations are very fast: Project.aspx, etc.

I ran SQL Profiler to see what might be going on to my database; it appears that I'm getting tons of individual requests for issues and associated issue data.  I would have hoped for a few SQL requests, instead I'm seeing around 10000.  This takes about 9 seconds to open up a ViewIssue page or the Issues page.  (The project page is less than 1 second).

When I didn't mark items as Closed the problem was much worse.

Is there some caching missing?  Is it just iterating over the issues one at a time?  HUGE performance hit with SQL Server.  Is this a "feature" of NHibernate?

I'd really like to be able to use Gemini for all our consulting, but at this point I can only recommend it for smaller data sets.

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Replies (2)
not helpful

We are working on a fix for this issue:

Use this patch if you are running 2.2.x, we are in the final stages of testing this.

Saar Cohen
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Saar Cohen
not helpful

    Thanks!  It fixes my perfomance issues wonderfully...

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