Gemini Community Support Site

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AD integration


Is there any update available on when Active Directory integration in Gemini is going to be rolled out? I see it is in the roadmap for version 4 and the scheduled release date for that version is the end of August, but how confident are you that the release date will be met and AD integration will be included?

The lack of integration is causing us problems with our Gemini installation so we're considering writing our own app to try to achieve it, but obviously it's not worth doing that if it'll be built into Gemini soon.


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Replies (2)
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I must say that at the moment it looks like AD might be pushed to 4.1 (October / November).

Writing your own app should do the trick, you should use Gemini's web services to amend users and groups.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Yes, we would use the Gemini web services to do it - we were just hoping to avoid having to do it at all! Shame it's looking like being delayed - think we may have to bite the bullet...

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