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WindowBlinds and Desktop (was Splitter ... acts strange)


If I move the splitter bar between the issues list (on the bottom) and the issue edit area (on the top), the issues list remains the same size (6 issues visible) and the space below is filled with gray.

I expected the splitter to control the relative sizes of the issue list and the issue edit area.

Bob Denny
· 1
Bob Denny
Replies (3)
not helpful

Again, can't seem to replicate that. Can you send a screenshot to support at countersoft dot com?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Mark --

Looks like this was related to WindowBlinds (a skinning add-in for Windows). I excluded Gemini Desktop and now it's working as it should. How strange.

Sorry for the noise. This applies to the other one re: the scrollbar too.

Bob Denny
· 1
Bob Denny
not helpful

Many thanks for the update, glad all is well now.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing