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How to define a Workflow after specific types ?


Hey, we want to setup a whole new workflow to get Gemini more accepted at our work.

But we couldn´t figure out how to set it up.

For example.

We got a task issue and a build issue.

The workflow for the task issue is : new - assigned -> active - release - closed

The build only got this : new - assigned -> closed.

How do we set this up. We only found the Issue Workflow Scheme but this is applied to all issue types. How can we set specifc workflows to specifi issues ?


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Replies (9)
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You can assign workflow scheme to issue types by going to the Administration -> Issue Type page.
Edit the type in question and you can set the workflow in the edit screen.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful


But what to do if the same issue type is handled different in specific project groups ?

For example : We got for each project a "customer project" where the customer can report issues. We want that the "build" issue only got 3 different status.

new -> assigned -> closed.

But we also got a internal project for this project. We want that the build issue got here more status : new -> assigned -> active - testing - release -> closed.

How to set this up ?

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You will have to create 2 types of "build" and the schemes for the different projects will use the different "build" type.
That way you can assign the different workflow.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

But are we that still able to copy a build issue from one project to the other ?

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Yes, but you will have to change the type.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

This would be not a very nice option.

I want to make clear what we want to do again.


Our project always contains 3 projects.

1. A customer project, where the customer can post bugs our enhancements.

2. A internal project, this is where the team talks to another and where build or task a specified to get the work done.

3. Each Task or bug and so on belongs to a component. We have for each main component a project.


Workflow :

Customer post an issue. We check what the problem is and copy issue that must be process into the internal project.

In the internal project team member are talking about this problem and specify the affected component and so on.

A Link issue to the component project will be created.

The developer and owner of this component must close the linked issue after the job is done.


The main problem is that customers often post issues. But we dont want to give them alot of status options, only "new" and "verify". But internal we also work with the same issue type and we want status like "active" "testing" and so on.


I dont get the system behind the issue system within Gemini.

First I create a Issue Typ. I will call it "Task".

Then I create an Issue Workflow for Task. I got only once the chance to assign a Workflow to an issue typ but I also can assign an issue Workflow to a whole project ?

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If your workflow differs only at the project level then don't assign workflow to the type(s).
Issue Type workflow will override project workflow.

So for your customer's project set the basic workflow (new, verify) and for the internal projects set the extended workflow.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

But with the basic workflow all of my issue types get this workflow.

But we differentiate between types and project.

In Project A, Issue Type B´s workflow is : New -> Assigned -> Verify -> Closed

But in Project B, Issue Type B´s workflow is : New -> Assigned -> Active -> Testing -> Closed.

So we must define a global Workflow for each project where all issue types get the same workflow. Even when I got Issue Type like "Task" and "Bug" they got the still status messages till i extend them with a separate workflow and this is for ever, right ?

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Yes, this solution will work for you.
Simply don't assign workflow to issue types. Assign it to the project only.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing