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How to get the toolbar with the full screen button in RADEditor


Dear Gemini users,

We are using Gemini 2.2.1.

We read in the RADEditor help file that we could get a toolbar with a fullscreen button, when we create an issue.

we don't have this toolbar and we can't add it.

On the other way, F11 shortcut works to get the full screen.

How to add this toolbar?

thanks in advance for your help.

· 1
Replies (2)
not helpful

Put the following XML in the RadControls\Editor\BasicToolsFile.xml:

 <tools name="EnhancedEditToolbar" dockingZone="Bottom" dockable="true">
  <tool name="ToggleScreenMode" shortcut="F11"/>
  <tool name="ToggleTableBorder" />
  <tool name="Zoom" />
  <tool name="ModuleManager" />
  <tool name="ToggleDocking" />
  <tool name="RepeatLastCommand" shortcut="F4"/>  

This should enable the additional toolbar buttons you need.

Harvey Kandola
· 212
Harvey Kandola
not helpful

It works.

Thank you very much.

· 1