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Removing Default Values from a project


I have created/selected some default values (Assigned To and Component), but if issues are assigned a resource by default its also set to Accepted insted of Unassigned and thats not what we wanted - primarly because issues are not necessarily accepted.
So I have removed the Default Values from the various projects, but I have one project from which I cannot deselect the values in "Assigned To" and "Component" .... Does this make sense when I could do the same task for other projects?
Anyway, can I make the changes by deleting a specific row in the database? Please point me in the right direction, so its done corretly.


· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

Makes sense, although we are not sure why you cannot remove the default values. Please do check the Gemini System Log (Administration section).


Table name: gemini_projectdefaultvalues


Harvey Kandola
· 212
Harvey Kandola