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Massive remove issue watcher.


Our workflow involves that any task/issue that is created  on Gemini is assigned to a couple of users for approval before start working on it.  Because of this those users are automatically added as a watcher for all the tasks we have, currently over 500 open asks, and email alerts are overwhelming them.

We want to remove them as issue watcher from all the tasks they are not working at, we could do it manually but that will involve quite a LOOOT of work.

Is there any way to massive remote an issue watcher from all the tasks he is watching?

We prefer to do this and then manually adding the users to the tasks they are working at (a couple of dozens) instead of manually edit watcher list at hundreds of tasks


Thanks in advance

· 1
Replies (2)
not helpful

You can do this quite easlity via SQL by deleting all the records for the user in question from the issue watcher table. Does this help?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Thanks, this worked for us

· 1