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Mailplugin options in 3 like there use to be in 2


We are in the process of re-deploying our instance of Gemini. We are going to be upgrading from 2 to 3. In the web config of 2 there was a section that allowed you to globally turn off certain types of emails. Is there away to do this in 3? We have already looked into using the SchedulerService and have determined that it does not fit our needs. Below is example of web.config from 2:

GeminiPlugins> MailPlugin> add key="IssueCreateAlert" value="true"/> add key="IssueUpdateAlert" value="true"/> add key="IssueCommentAlert" value="true"/> add key="IssueStatusChangeAlert" value="false"/> add key="IssueResolutionChangeAlert" value="false"/> add key="IssueDeleteAlert" value="true"/> add key="IssueAssignedAlert" value="false"/> add key="IssueClosedAlert" value="false"/> add key="IssueResolvedAlert" value="false"/> add key="IssueWatcherAlert" value="true"/> /MailPlugin> /GeminiPlugins>

· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

This will make it in 3.2 release.

Harvey Kandola
· 212
Harvey Kandola