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2.1.1 No Access users still showing in Not Watching Watch page.


Running Gemini 2.1.1 and I just added a bunch of users to the No Access scheme but they still show under the Not Watching section when setting issue watchers. How do I remove them from this list?

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Replies (2)
not helpful

You will have to change the gemini_getissuewatcherusersummary stored procedure.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

Thanks, changed the following queries:

-- Get list of people who could watch the issue (depends on MODE parameter) if (@mode = 1) begin -- Get all users select a.userid, a.username, a.firstname + N' ' + a.surname as fullname, a.emailaddress from users a left outer join watchissue b on a.userid=b.userid and b.issueid=@issueid left outer join userroles c on a.userid=c.userid and c.projid=@projid where a.userid != -1 and b.userid is null and (c.schemeid != 7 or c.userid is null) order by fullname end

if (@mode = 2) begin -- Get project resources only select r.userid, a.username, a.firstname + N' ' + a.surname as fullname, a.emailaddress from users a, projectresource r left outer join watchissue b on r.userid=b.userid and b.issueid=@issueid left outer join userroles c on r.userid=c.userid and c.projid=@projid where r.projid=@projid and r.userid=a.userid and b.userid is null and (c.schemeid != 7 or c.userid is null) order by fullname end

if (@mode = 3) begin -- Get all users excluding project resources select a.userid, a.username, a.firstname + N' ' + a.surname as fullname, a.emailaddress from users a left outer join watchissue b on a.userid=b.userid and b.issueid=@issueid left outer join projectresource r on a.userid=r.userid and r.projid=@projid left outer join userroles c on a.userid=c.userid and c.projid=@projid where a.userid != -1 and b.userid is null and r.userid is null and (c.schemeid != 7 or c.userid is null) order by fullname end

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