Gemini Community Support Site

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Mail Processing - GMBP - Creating Comments


Another good feature of GMBP is that it will create comments and append to existing issues. Lots of people will communicate via email, to dicuss a project, a problem, or some feature. That person is then off sick and the whole email trail is lost deep in their mailbox.

GMBP can keep track of these emails, updating a Gemini issue, so all those involved in the project can keep up to date on what has been said. Simply CC the mailbox processor in on the conversations, and the email history will be converted into a gemini history. The auditors and QA people will love you!

You can reply to the standard gemini notifications, which can save loads of time logging into Gemini and posting the comment. It really is as simple as sending an email. So why not visit and download it now, or get in touch with any questions/suggestions.

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