Gemini Community Support Site

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Issue Voting


Is there a mechanism for allowing an administrator to reset the votes on a given issue and\or all issues in a project?

· 1
Replies (3)
not helpful

Unfortunately not, feel free to add it to our list:

We can provide you with the SQL statment that will do so if you wish.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Thanks, but that isn't necessary at this point.  I am working on a policy document detailing how Gemini could be used within our organization and am trying to figure out how we can use issue voting to our advantage.  We are still in the exploratory phase, determining if we should use Gemini and if so how to best use it to meet our organizational needs.  My initial thought was to allow our clients to vote on new product features to determine what is most important to them from a business value perspective.  Since the relative business value of a given feature may change over time, I thought it would be useful to reset the votes and allow clients to reestablish their preferences.  Is this a bad use of the voting system?  Do you have any suggestions on a better method of using issue voting?

· 1
not helpful

This seems a valid point. The needs of the customers will change over time and sometime you would like to start from scratch (voting).

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing