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Hiding projects on Main.aspx based on User Security


Is there any way to excude from the list of projects shown, projects to which a user does not have access ?

Also, is there anyway to hide the list of projects until the user logs in ?

So if I have 2 projects and John does not have access to the 2nd project, I don't even want him to see it on the list.



Joe Vivona
· 1
Joe Vivona
Replies (3)
not helpful

Set ViewAllProjects to NO in the web.config file.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

EDIT:   Nevermind, I edited the wrong copy of web.config.   Thank you !


that solves my anonymous access, but what about not showing a user all the projects.

I have a user, which has No Access to project #1, but he can still see it once he logs in, even though he cannot do anything to the project.    I need to hide the project names from certain users.

Joe Vivona
· 1
Joe Vivona
not helpful

Please make sure you have assigned No Access scheme to that user for that project.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen