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Index Mercurial Source Control Connector

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Mercurial Source Control Connector


Download the Mercurial connector from: http://www.geminiplatform.com/downloads.

This connector has been created to allow committed Mercurial files to be linked to Gemini Issues. The following Document will show you how to install the connector.

Step 1

Ensure you have Python 2.x installed.

Step 2

Edit the "Mercurial.py" script and set the location to your Python directory.

Step 3

Edit the "Mercurial.py" script and change the following variables as required: username, apikey, geminiurl, mercurialpath, mercurialrepository


Step 4

Put the "Mercurial.py" into the ".hg" directory for your Mercurial repository. (for example C:\Mercurial\.hg)

Step 5

If missing, create the "hgrc" file and ensure that the "[hooks]" section exists.

Step 6

Put the following line into the "hgrc" file: "commit = c:/Python27/python.exe C:/MyRepository/.hg/Mercurial.py". Please replace the Highlighted are a in the image below with your repository name.

mercurial .hg file - Copy

Step 7

Copy the map-cmdline.gem file into the "Templates" folder of your Mercurial installation.


You will need to commit your files using Command Prompt. When you commit files to Mercurial, simply start your commit message with "gem:XXX" (where "XXX" represents a Gemini Issue Id. In the example below the "XXX" is replaced with "217").


All commited files and comments appear under Code Review as follows:
