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Index Zip File
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 10.2         Installing
 10.2.1           Requirements
 10.2.2           Automated Installer
 10.2.3           Microsoft Web Platform
 10.2.4           Zip File
 10.2.5           Scheduler Service
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Zip File


Step 1 - Pre-requisites

A zip file download is available containing both the Gemini web application and the SQL database loaded with sample data to get you going.

The following must be present on your Windows Server. You can choose to have your IIS Web Server and SQL Server on the same machine or each running on different machines.

  • Microsoft .NET Framework v3.5 SP1
  • SQL Server 2005, 2008 or Express
  • SMTP Service/Server (optionally required for email notifications)

If you cannot confirm or do not understand any of the above items then either contact us or your IT administrator.

Step 2 - Unzip Gemini

Unzip the Gemini zip file and you should see the contents as follows:



Execute MSChart.exe to install Microsoft's charting controls.

Step 3 - Create Web Application

In IIS, right-click and add Gemini as an Application:


You will need to give your Gemini application a name such as "Gemini". This will mean Gemini will be accessible via "http://servername/Gemini":


After the Gemini web application has been created you will see this:


Step 4 - Setup SQL Database

Locate the Sample Database executable file located below the unzipped "Gemini Database" folder: 


Running the sample database executable will allow you to install the Gemini SQL Database. Please ensure that the correct credentials have been specified:


You can verify that the newly created Gemini Sample Database exists in SQL Management Studio.

Step 5 - Edit web.config

Right-click on the Gemini Web Application in IIS and select the Explore option:


Edit the web.config file and put in the correct SQL Server user credentials:


Save the web.config and Gemini should now be setup.

After installation you can navigate to the Gemini web application using your browser (e.g. http://myserver/gemini"). 


If you see something like the above then Gemini has bee installed correctly.

You can now log into Gemini using the username "manager" with a password of "manager".

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